Savings on resources, time and finances.

Production costs are undoubtedly the biggest concern for our customers, end customers and rights holders (as well as for everyone else, presumably). Remote Production is a good alternative (to old school solutions), helping you to reduce costs – not least in connection with crew travel and equipment transport.


With Remote Production, there is no need to bring a team of camera operators, production manager, light and sound technicians, production coordinator, etc. The necessity for people present on location is greatly reduced simply by eliminating travel expenses, insurance and other related expenses such as hotel or transportation costs during the stay.


This means that you save huge costs for transporting fragile and expensive equipment to the destination. With Remote Production, you don’t have to rent an OB van or crew car for the events you cover. You also save your own time since you do not have to worry about transporting and setting up equipment.

See examples of Remote production here

Remote Studio Production

Remote Studio Production allows you to remote control your crew, audio and video from a remote production studio, enabling far better control and quality during your shoot.


In other words, our technology and staff are available to work for you in what is their familiar environment. This without dependence on weather conditions or other constraints – and with any required additional technology always within reach. Everything is tested and ready in our green screen studio. This means that when we run tests with you, the aim is to test content and procedures. We’ll be ready when you are.


Remote Studio Production delivers greater flexibility and efficiency. Though in order for this to be grounded in reality, you must have skilled and experienced people at your disposal. People with whom you can communicate – and who will take instant action. So that when, say, you or your producer gives a direction to the camera crew in the remote studio (at our end), it will be accomplished immediately.



Among the advantages of modern IP technology is that video-stream data can be transmitted at high speed and with negligible quality loss. At Mediehuset København, we use a rock-solid, super-fast fiber connection. In fact, several camera and audio feeds can be simultaneously transmitted to your production suite with very low latency even over long distances – i.e. to the rest of Denmark as well as abroad.


Jimmy Rehak, CEO of Mediehuset København, sums it up: “We now have a technology with such low latency that the remote-director/producer can order camera operators to zoom and pan with roughly the same response time and overview as in a traditional live production and studio production”.

When does it not make sense to choose Remote Production?

Cost will of course be the critical factor. Had the question been asked just a few years ago, we might have lacked the necessary bandwidth – but otherwise it’s very difficult to make a case for not using Remote Production. Let’s imagine your company employs an excess of human resources, and that airline tickets and hotel stays were free, in which case it would still be extremely difficult to ignore the enormous amount of time consumed by managing travel and production chores yourself.