Martin Lindstrøm i green screen studiet. Assistent er klar med klaptræet.

Martin Lindstrøm i green screen studiet

Branding guru Martin Lindstrøm is in the green screen studio at Mediehuset Copenhagen, to produce a number of educational films. We are recording in 4K and uploaded to server as raw files for post-keying somewhere abroad.

About Martin Lindstrøm

Martin Lindstrøm is not just anyone, because the whole world is his workplace and several times throughout his career he has been called one of the world’s most influential people. Among other things, he is a leader in consumer psychology, cultural psychology, innovation and business transformation.  He has been selected as one of the world’s 100 most influential people by Time magazine and been selected for the London-based Thinkers50 list as well as with several places on The M List.

Martin ejer virksomheden Lindstrom Company og kan bryste sig med titler som forfatter, foredragsholder, brandingekspert og konsulent og har gennem årerne skrevet og udgivet et utal af bøger omkring branding.